Sunday, 21 April 2013

Choosing Your Best Exercise Routine

When choosing an exercise routine, you'll want to focus on three things: your personality, needs, and fitness level. Rather than trying to adjust your life around exercise, adjust your exercise routine to fit into your life. Doing so will ensure that you focus on your goals and stick to the plan.

Choosing Exercise to Fit Your Personality
This is the main factor to consider before beginning an exercise routine. If you choose an activity you do not enjoy, how long do you think you'll stick with it? Today, there are so many options to choose from that it's easy to find activities you enjoy. Many gym memberships include classes such as spinning, yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, aqua aerobics, and much more. If you are a person who is easily bored, choose a few activities you can alternate. Mixing it up will keep it fun and exciting. Explore your options. There are plenty of materials you can find to give you a greater insight about what is out there, both in your area and online. It will only take a small amount of time to research the activities that you think you might enjoy more, but the benefit will be a resulting regime that suits your personality and creates ownership – meaning your chances for success with this program are greatly increased.

Choosing an Exercise Routine to Fit Your Needs

Do you prefer to exercise at home? Purchasing a gym membership is pointless if you know you won't use it regularly. There are plenty of activities you can do in your home or neighborhood without spending the extra money. Plan a walking route through your neighborhood, and invite a friend to join you. In your home, you can do workout videos, walk on a treadmill, or walk up and down stairs.

Time constraints are the biggest reason most people cannot stick with a workout routine. Busy lives get in the way, and exercise moves to the bottom of your priority list. If you can't block out 30 minutes at a time to exercise, break it up into three 10 minute intervals. There isn't a rule that says you must do 30 continuous minutes of physical activity to reap the health benefits. Any activity is better than no activity. If breaking it into smaller sections works for you, you will be more likely to stick to your exercise routine.
Don’t forget to take advantage of your online resources. Online fitness programs have been shown in studies to provide sustainable weight loss, and are able to provide programs catered specifically to your needs, likes, equipment, availability etc – all at much less than a single session with a face to face personal trainer. At Fitness Fahey’s we even provide programs that include home workouts, no equipment workouts, travelling and hotel programs and endless amounts of exercises with minimal and cheap equipment you can take with you anywhere.

Selecting an Exercise Routine that Correlates with Your Fitness Level

If you decide you want to run five miles, and you've never run before, what do you think will happen? First, you won't be able to finish. Second, you'll probably decide that running is horrible and you'll never want to do it again. If you're a beginner who wants to start running, you need to begin slowly. Start with one mile and only run part of it. The classic walk/run routine is a perfect starter. Try to run for 30 seconds and walk for one minute, gradually increasing your running times and reducing your walking times. Eventually, you'll be running the entire mile and then you can add on distance as you feel more comfortable.

Choosing the correct exercise routine to fit your lifestyle is the most important step to success. Taking a few things into consideration can help you incorporate exercise routine into your life without making a lot of unnecessary sacrifices. This is where a personal trainer, fitness buddy or knowledgeable gym assistant can help you out. By simply providing them with your restrictions and likes you should be able to jointly develop a program that will suit your goals, contain activities that you can enjoy, and be targeted to your fitness level and schedule.
Soon, you'll begin to enjoy being active and healthy! Good luck with your journey. It is worth the effort.

Turning Your Phase Into A Way Of Life

Fitness Fahey’s

Fitness Fahey’s or offers a wide range of free and customised services which can build effectively on the steps you have already taken. Congratulations on embarking on your journey towards your own health and wellbeing. We hope, even in some small way, Fitness Fahey’s is able to help with your journey and we stand ready to assist with any of your health and fitness goals and questions wherever we can.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Seeing Results - The Benefits of Low Carb

There are a number of low carbohydrate diets on the market, but what makes these low carb diets so popular? What health benefits can you see from a low carb diet? Does everyone see success when lowering their carbohydrate intake? These are all questions you should ask before investing your time, money and energy into a low carb diet plan.

Low carb diets have been around for decades although popularised more so over the last decade. The Atkins diet, the Zone diet and the South Beach diet have all had ups and downs in popularity in the last few years. Every time a public figure attributes their weight loss to a low carb diet the associating diet books become best sellers. What many people know is that with enough will power and some exercise, low carb diets are an effective way to lose weight, both on the short term and long term basis.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Rapid Weight Loss - Myth or Reality

Obesity is at an all-time high. We know this.  Many researchers and dieticians relate the changes in overall weight to the Standard Western diet high in fats, high sugar intake and lower energy expenditure.  Everything is now fast: fast food, fast weight loss, fast Internet, fast track.
Now, there is no way around it – we all need food.  The only difference between those in control of their weight and over 1 billion people around the world who are overweight is how much food, how long between meals and how much energy they expend. (Noting small areas of the population where other health factors may exist)

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Give Your Resolution A Fighting Chance

A resolution, resolving to complete a course of action determined or decided on, by definition is not a New Years act alone – yet this one time of year seems to stir our resolve more than others. The chance at a new beginning and the thought that a new year brings with it renewed hope steels us for a battle that we dare not attempt at other times of the year. But are our resolutions really that difficult to achieve? Not with a little planning and understanding.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Fitness Assessments - The Key That Drives The Engine

Anyone who decides to embark on a fitness regime of any type (be it weight loss, general health or athletic performance) will start with at least a rough idea of a goal they wish to achieve. While access to a personal trainer can ensure that your goals are both realistic and responsible, we must all create some form of standard for which to judge our performance over time. Initial and regular fitness assessments (comprising of body composition, cardio, resistance and flexibility assessments as well as nutrition and well-being analysis) provide us with:

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Welcome To Fitness Fahey's Blog

G’day all, and welcome to the opening blog post for Fitness Fahey’s – a place where you will find stories, education, practical experience and good humour on health and fitness issues that concern you.

This is an exciting time for Fitness Fahey’s with the launch of continuing 15 years in the health and fitness industry with our foray into the online world.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Let's Get Started

Well, as the name suggests, Let’s Get Started. And true, the best thing you can do is START NOW. You have probably been responsible for a couple of the following sayings “I’ll start on Monday”, I’ll start in January”, “I’ll get in shape for summer”, “I’m a bit tired today so I’ll just get some rest and get in to it tomorrow” or some derivative of that.

The truth is you can make all the excuses you like to avoid training, and I know because I have given them too, but the most important thing you can do is START. Do something. Any activity. Go for a walk, play some sport, take the stairs, whatever it is START TODAY.

Ok, so you are reading a blog (my blog, so thank you for that) which means you may not necessarily be in a position to get up and start right away so let’s make a deal. Only give yourself two options – start are your very next opportunity (and that means as little as 20 minutes for a walk or take the stairs next time) and be honest. Honest with yourself. You know when your next opportunity is, just don’t let it slip you by.