Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Rapid Weight Loss - Myth or Reality

Obesity is at an all-time high. We know this.  Many researchers and dieticians relate the changes in overall weight to the Standard Western diet high in fats, high sugar intake and lower energy expenditure.  Everything is now fast: fast food, fast weight loss, fast Internet, fast track.
Now, there is no way around it – we all need food.  The only difference between those in control of their weight and over 1 billion people around the world who are overweight is how much food, how long between meals and how much energy they expend. (Noting small areas of the population where other health factors may exist)

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Give Your Resolution A Fighting Chance

A resolution, resolving to complete a course of action determined or decided on, by definition is not a New Years act alone – yet this one time of year seems to stir our resolve more than others. The chance at a new beginning and the thought that a new year brings with it renewed hope steels us for a battle that we dare not attempt at other times of the year. But are our resolutions really that difficult to achieve? Not with a little planning and understanding.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Fitness Assessments - The Key That Drives The Engine

Anyone who decides to embark on a fitness regime of any type (be it weight loss, general health or athletic performance) will start with at least a rough idea of a goal they wish to achieve. While access to a personal trainer can ensure that your goals are both realistic and responsible, we must all create some form of standard for which to judge our performance over time. Initial and regular fitness assessments (comprising of body composition, cardio, resistance and flexibility assessments as well as nutrition and well-being analysis) provide us with:

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Welcome To Fitness Fahey's Blog

G’day all, and welcome to the opening blog post for Fitness Fahey’s – a place where you will find stories, education, practical experience and good humour on health and fitness issues that concern you.

This is an exciting time for Fitness Fahey’s with the launch of www.myfitnessphase.com continuing 15 years in the health and fitness industry with our foray into the online world.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Let's Get Started

Well, as the name suggests, Let’s Get Started. And true, the best thing you can do is START NOW. You have probably been responsible for a couple of the following sayings “I’ll start on Monday”, I’ll start in January”, “I’ll get in shape for summer”, “I’m a bit tired today so I’ll just get some rest and get in to it tomorrow” or some derivative of that.

The truth is you can make all the excuses you like to avoid training, and I know because I have given them too, but the most important thing you can do is START. Do something. Any activity. Go for a walk, play some sport, take the stairs, whatever it is START TODAY.

Ok, so you are reading a blog (my blog, so thank you for that) which means you may not necessarily be in a position to get up and start right away so let’s make a deal. Only give yourself two options – start are your very next opportunity (and that means as little as 20 minutes for a walk or take the stairs next time) and be honest. Honest with yourself. You know when your next opportunity is, just don’t let it slip you by.